Book Club

Review: The Good Girl

12:37 PM

Title: The Good Girl
Author: Mary Kubica
Genres: Thriller, Suspense
Destinations: Cabin, Middle of No Where, Chicago

Have you ever wished that you would be kidnapped by a handsome stranger and taken to a cabin in the woods?...No? Well I have...NOT. However that is basically the fantasy Mary Kubica fulfills in her debut novel.

Many critics and readers have The Good Girl to Gone Girl but it is not an opinion I share. Their only similarities lie in the fact that both are written from multiple perspectives. But if you're going to compare it to Gone Girl due to similar narration styles you may as well just compare it to As I Lay Dying, but I would prefer not to strike Faulkner with such an injustice. However, there is a another novel I was constantly reminded of, Mean Streak.

Both novels involve a beautiful, feminist woman who is held against her own will in a cabin by a sexy lumberjack. Insanely-more, both women somehow maintain their beauty and sexual appeal despite their lack of hygiene, which is beyond me! I can barely wear shorts when I feel the smallest stubble arise. To conclude however, Mean Streak was better in many aspects, especially the sexual tension between the kidnapper and the kidnappee.

Unfortunately due to the similarities, I found the novel to be quite predictable. I was very close to predicting the twist in the end, too close to warrant any kind of surprise. Despite my criticisms I will yield to the fact that the book does possess some entertainment skills. Thus, I would recommend this book for a book club, not for someone looking for a novel that will keep you up at night.

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