Hi my name is Katarina and I have an unhealthy obsession with books, especially young adult & fantasy novels. I am way too old to be commiserating with young adult characters and too much of a jock to like witches and werewolves, but to hell with social stigmas. My college life was full of tennis, and books I avoided reading like the the plague. But after getting out of college and having tennis finally take a back seat, books and photography have taken up huge spaces in my heart.

While some people can't wait for the day when the Oasis becomes a reality (I hope you caught that reference) so they can run away from the horrible monsters of the real world, I use books and photography in order to escape. Books take me far and wide, and photos force me to see things that I overlook on a day to day basis, expanding my views and taking me away from the black and whites of everyday life.

I am always looking for new books to read, especially books that take me out of my comfort zone of awkward teenagers and vampires. So please feel free to comment with books you love, I will be happy to read them.

I hope you enjoy :)

Much Love,

P.S. Books > Tv 4 Lyfe